
The Inside Out Show - A Collaborative Effort

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On Monday 4th October my friend Garry Turner and I put our brave person pants on and went live with our new production The Inside Out Show. This show comes from our hearts, and is our way of talking openly about environmental change, social impact, diversity, inclusion, equity and the joys and challenges of the world of work.

You can find the recording of our launch show here:

Here's our thoughts, composed the day after our broadcast....first off from Garry.....

On the morning of Oct 4th I (Garry) was in a mental space of overwhelm, wondering honestly whether to shut down all social for a month and just step away and then Lucy and I spoke.  In what a wonderful 15 minute catchup I was reminded of the power and importance of connection, expression, listening, vulnerability, shared vision and more.  All of the things that I would assert have too often de-prioritised by me in the past, but are fundamental to turning our current workplace, social and planetary challenges around.

Fast forward to 3pm UK time and Lucy and I hit 'go live' and what ensued was a truly diverse, emergent, soulful exploration of what we both hope to achieve by holding space with the Inside Out show and some of the early stage feedback that has been received has blown me away including "I could have watched you two all day, the conversation was so engaging and important."

Now this show isn't about Lucy and I, it is about YOU, US and it seems a common thread of our exploration was a desire to have real, constructive exploration and debate around sustainability, community, our personal habits and choices, humanising work, to share just a few topics.

I have no idea what will emerge next, either in between weeks or when we hit go live with Nike Anani on Mon 18th October, but what I do know is that there will be learning and insights galore, some fun and a space to explore without needing all the answers.

Indeed this show seems to exist to help role model the critical importance of navigating the unknown with curiosity and grace.

We hope to see you on October 18th and please do let us know if you would be interested to join us or have someone in your mind that you feel would be a brilliant guest, we would welcome any suggestions or introductions.

And then from me (Lucy).......

Many things have struck me in the time since Garry and I recorded our inaugural episode of the Inside Out Show. Most of the things have been as a result of the wonderful reaction from people who have tuned in. Here's a few of the interesting points that have bubbled up for me:

 - Our desire to MAKE A DIFFERENCE is a common goal that has attracted people, maybe even grabbed them unexpectedly!

 - Our conversation went in areas that I didn't expect, even prompting me to talk about things in the broadcast that I hadn't planned to mention. That's the joy of not scripting the sessions, and I love it.

 - Being open and honest provokes a reaction. I've had messages in response to our broadcast from all kinds of people, some I know but haven't spoken to in a while and some who are exciting new connections. Connection and community are hugely important to me, so these reactions are a gift.

Closing off on this little piece I just want to reiterate that Garry and I would love to hear from you if you want to join or contribute to the show. Your voice is important in our quest to make the world a fairer, healthier and more sustainable place.

Our next show will be on 18th October with Nike Anani. We're planning to stream it on YouTube and LinkedIn, and will share the link around before, during and after :)

Abundantly Yours,


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